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Raffa's Web Page

Tuxedo / Mixed (short coat)  : :  Male  : :  Baby  : :  Medium

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Contact Raffa's Caretaker/Foster Directly:

About Raffa

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Black and White
  • Color: Tuxedo
  • Current Age: 8 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
  • Location: 11950 Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines FL 33026
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes

Please contact  for more information about this pet.

Raffa is a fun loving boy. He will do just about anything for attention and food. He is a slinky boy that plays with cat toys or a piece of string and keeps everyone entertained.  In his off time he loves to hang out and cuddle.

In one word Raffa is "PHENOMENAL"!!!! He is extremely lovable, affectionate, and playful. His motor is nonstop when he is happy (which is every time he sees a person). Raffa plays very well with another kitty named Dawn. They are not related but are in the same foster home and enjoy playing with each other. They do not need to be adopted together, but if you are interested in 2 kitties these are a great match.

You can meet this wonderful kitty most Saturdays at the Pembroke Pines Petsmart between 12 and 6 pm.

You can fill out an application for Raffa at the Pembroke Pines Petsmart or go to to fill out an application online or print and fax one to (954) 965-0406.

Petsmart employees are not familiar with the cats available through Adopt A Stray.  Please contact Adopt A Stray directly.

Learn more about Adopt A Stray by visiting our website

Please contact for more information about this pet.

Other Pictures of Raffa (click to see larger version):

Raffa Raffa Raffa Raffa
Raffa Raffa Raffa